Zooper Wear برنامه ها

Zooper Wear - Donate Edition 10
Zooper Wear
*****THIS IS A DONATE VERSION***** The App currently hasever-changing functionality! It'll change as I work on differentdevices... The main goal is to help fund purchase of futurewearable devices so I can continue to expand the reach of ZooperWear! Moving forward, "Zooper Wear - Donate Edition" will become aplatform for me to test all versions! For example, one week I mightbe using it to test the circular version, the next week it'll beused to test the Pine version...the next week it'll be used to testupdates to existing versions, you never know, hehe Thanks for thecontinued support & hopefully I'll be able to continue to bringZooper Wear to more & more wearable devices!
Zooper Wear Notification AddOn 1.113
Zooper Wear
"Zooper Wear Notifications" brings 3rd-party App Notifications to:> Zooper Widgets > Kustom (Widgets & Live Wallpaper) >UCCW > Minimalist Text > Minimal & Elegant Android WearWatch Face Here's how: 1) Add Apps you want monitored 2) Long-pressindividual App you've added 3) Tap your choice 4) Tap "Menu" button& tap "Sync Now" 5) Paste what you've copied into Zooper /Kustom / Minimalist Text / UCCW That's it! Here are some samplevariables for Zooper Widgets: Counts > Google+ #TNOTIFY_GPLUS#Content > Google+ #TNOTIFYT_GPLUS# Icons > Google+[b]#TNOTIFYI_GPLUS#[/b] [b]#TNOTIFYIB_GPLUS#[/b] Tip: To hide theNotification Count, Content or Icon when it’s at 0, add an AdvancedParameter tracking the Counts Example: > Google+$#TNOTIFY_GPLUS#>0?[ox]100[/ox]:[ox]999[/ox]$ Video Tutorial:http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWearNotificationsZooper ===== ===== ========== ===== Here are some sample Formulas for Kustom: > Google+Counts $br(zooperwearnotifications,NOTIFY_GPLUS)$ Content$br(zooperwearnotifications,NOTIFYT_GPLUS)$ Icons$br(zooperwearnotifications,NOTIFYI_GPLUS)$$br(zooperwearnotifications,NOTIFYIB_GPLUS)$ Tip: To hide theNotification Count, Content or Icon when it’s at 0, add an X OffsetCalculation (within "Position” tab) Example: > Google+$if(br(zooperwearnotifications,NOTIFY_GPLUS), 100, 999)$ Or add aVisible Calculation (within “Layer” tab) Example: > Google+$if(br(zooperwearnotifications,NOTIFY_GPLUS), ALWAYS, NEVER)$ VideoTutorial: http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWearNotificationsKustom ========== ===== ===== ===== Here are some sample variables forMinimalist Text & UCCW Counts > Google+ NOTIFY_GPLUSContent: NOTIFYT_GPLUS Note: Minimalist Text & UCCW do notsupport dynamic images & both will automatically hide theContent when the Count is at 0. Video Tutorial:http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWearNotificationsUCCW-MT ===== ===== ========== ===== To use it with Minimal & Elegant Android Wear WatchFace, it's a little different... 1) Add Apps you want monitored(Minimal & Elegant limits it to 6) 2) Tap "Menu" button &tap "Sync Now" 3) Long-press the App 4) Assign it a Minimal &Elegant "Map #" 5) Manually type the number you've assigned it tothe "Custom Text" section within Minimal & Elegant That's it!Example Variables Notification Count MEV1 (between <>) VideoTutorial: http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWearNotificationsMandE ========== ===== ===== ===== Free: >Zooper Widgets Pro support forNotification counts from > Google+ > Facebook > Hangouts> Facebook Mesenger > WhatsApp Paid: > "Premium" ZooperWidget support for Counts, Content & Icons from all Apps >Kustom support for Counts, Content & Icons from all Apps >UCCW support for Counts & Content from all Apps > MInimalistText support for Counts & Content from all Apps > Minimal& Elegant Watch Face support for Counts from all Apps (M &E limits it to any 6 Apps) IAP Note Buying any 2 (excluding"Donate") will unlock "Premium + All" (all 5). Meaning, if you buyjust one now, you don't need to buy the "Premium + All" later -just buy any of the other "Licenses" later & it'll work thesame as "Premium + All" (unlocking everything). ===== ===== ========== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== Video Tutorial (allcombined): http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWearNotificationsAll
Zooper Wear - Gear S2 2.1
Zooper Wear
*****THIS IS NOT A STANDALONE APP***** Does NOT support theoriginal Gear S - only the Gear S2 *****DO NOT INSTALL ON ANDROIDN***** FEATURES > Notification icons for SMS/GMail/Calls &more! > Time/Date > Wi-Fi/Mobile Data indicators¹ >Weather/Temperature > Phone Battery percentage/Chargingindicator¹ > Upcoming Calendar Events > Dark/Light themes ¹ =Change dynamically depending on whether or not they're in-useREQUIREMENTS: Smartwatch with the Gear Manager App Zooper WidgetPro-> http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWidgetPro Wearable Widgetsversion 4.2 (to mirror it onto your watch)->http://tinyurl.com/WearableWidgets "Wearable Widgets Clock forGear" (or "Wearable Widgets Clock for Gear (Legacy)" whichever isavailable) from the Gear App Store (within the "Clocks" category)Setup: (after syncing your phone to your watch) 1) Install ZooperWidget Pro on your phone 2) Install Wearable Widgets on your phone& "Wearable Widgets Clock for Gear" on your Gear S™ (within the"Clocks" category of the Gear App store) 3) Install Zooper Wear -Gear S2 on your phone *REBOOT PHONE & WATCH* then continueafter Watch & Phone have reconnected STEPS 4-8 WILL BE WITHINWEARABLE WIDGETS ON YOUR PHONE 4) Launch Wearable Widgets &select "Samsung Gear (Tizen)" 5) Tap the "+" icon in the lowerright corner & select Zooper Widget Pro-> Zooper Widget 2X26) Tap "Settings" icon in upper right corner & enable "Cropwidgets", "Invisible updates", "Always keep widgets running" &"Show notification on phone" 7) Still within Settings then tap"Round screen sizing"-> Sizing type-> enable "Fit widget tooutside of screen" & tap "OK" also enable "Ignore screencutouts" 8) Return & tap "resize or tap to start" then selectany of the "Zooper Wear - Gear S2 Edition" designs 9) Launch theZooper Widget Pro App & enable "Standby updates" 10) On yourwatch, long-press your existing Watch Face & select "WearableWidgets" That's it! Reminders - App has no App icon itself - If youcan't get it working, EMail me & I'll be happy to help WARNINGS-DON'T change your phone's DPI - Wearable Widgets takes dimensionsfrom your phone, so modifying the DPI can negatively effectmirroring Widgets onto your wrist. -Information is pulled from yourphone so it currently won't work in "standalone"/4G (cellular) mode- requires BT connection ===== ===== ===== ===== QUESTION - How canI get Notification Counts for Google+, FaceBook, FaceBookMessenger, Hangouts & WhatsApp? Answer - Assuming your phone isrunning Android 4.3+, download "Zooper Wear NotificationsAddOn"-> http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWearNotificationsApp Answersto those & more FAQ's: http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWear-FAQnSetup
Zooper Wear - Gear S 3.1
Zooper Wear
*****THIS IS NOT A STANDALONE APP***** Does NOT support the GearS2- only the Gear S *****DO NOT INSTALL ON ANDROID N*****FEATURES> Notification icons for SMS/GMail/Calls & more!>Time/Date > Wi-Fi/Mobile Data indicators¹>Weather/Temperature > Phone Batterypercentage/Chargingindicator¹ > Upcoming Calendar Events >Dark/Light themes ¹ =Change dynamically depending on whether or notthey're in-useREQUIREMENTS: Smartwatch with the Gear Manager AppZooper WidgetPro-> http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWidgetPro WearableWidgetsversion 4.2 (to mirror it onto yourwatch)->http://tinyurl.com/WearableWidgets "Wearable WidgetsClock forGear" (or "Legacy" whichever is available) from the GearApp Store(within the "Clocks" category) Setup: (after syncing yourphone toyour watch) 1) Install Zooper Widget Pro on your phone 2)InstallWearable Widgets on your phone & "Wearable Widgets ClockforGear" on your Gear S™ (within the "Clocks" category of the GearAppstore) 3) Install Zooper Wear - Gear S on your phone *REBOOTPHONE& WATCH* then continue after Watch & Phone havereconnectedSTEPS 4-7 WILL BE WITHIN WEARABLE WIDGETS ON YOUR PHONE4) LaunchWearable Widgets & select "Samsung Gear (Tizen)" 5)Tap the "+"icon in the lower right corner & select ZooperWidget Pro->Zooper Widget 2X3 6) Tap "Settings" icon in upperright corner& enable "Crop widgets", "Invisible updates","Always keepwidgets running" & "Show notification on phone" 7)Return &tap "resize or tap to start" then select any of the"Zooper Wear -Gear S Edition" designs 8) Launch the Zooper WidgetPro App &enable "Standby updates" 9) On your watch, swipeup->Settings-> Style-> Clocks-> Clock Type->select"Wearable Widgets" 10) On your watch, swipe up->Settings->Display-> Wake-up screen-> Clock That's it!Reminders - Apphas no App icon itself - If you can't get itworking, EMail me& I'll be happy to help WARNINGS -DON'T changeyour phone's DPI- Wearable Widgets takes dimensions from yourphone, so modifyingthe DPI can negatively effect mirroring Widgetsonto your wrist.-Information is pulled from your phone so itcurrently won't workin "standalone" mode ===== ===== ===== =====QUESTION - How can Iget Notification Counts for Google+, FaceBook,FaceBook Messenger,Hangouts & WhatsApp? Answer - Assuming yourphone is runningAndroid 4.3+, download "Zooper Wear NotificationsAddOn"->http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWearNotificationsApp Answers tothose& more FAQ's: http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWear-FAQnSetup
Zooper Wear - Sony SW Edition 4.1
Zooper Wear
*****THIS IS NOT A STANDALONE APP***** *****DO NOT INSTALLONANDROID N***** FEATURES > Notification icons forSMS/GMail/Calls& more! > Time/Date > Wi-Fi/Mobile Dataindicators¹ >Weather/Temperature > Phone Batterypercentage/Chargingindicator¹ > Upcoming Calendar Events >Dark/Light themes ¹ =Change dynamically depending on whether or notthey're in-useREQUIREMENTS: Smartwatch with the CompanionApp->http://tinyurl.com/SSWCompanionApp Zooper WidgetPro->http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWidgetPro Wearable Widgets version4.2 orhigher (to mirror it onto yourwatch)->http://tinyurl.com/WearableWidgets Setup: (after syncingyour phoneto the watch) 1) Install Zooper Widget Pro 2) InstallWearableWidgets 3) Install Zooper Wear - Sony Smartwatch *REBOOTPHONE*then continue after Watch & Phone have reconnected STEPS4-8WILL BE WITHIN WEARABLE WIDGETS 4) Launch Wearable Widgets&select "Sony Smartwatch"™ 5) Tap the "+" icon in the lowerrightcorner & select Zooper Widget Pro-> Zooper Widget 2X16) Tap"Settings" & enable "Crop widgets", "Invisibleupdates",,"Always keep widgets running" "Show notification onphone" &enable within "Smartwatch watch face settings" 7)Return & tap"resize or tap to start" then select any of the"Zooper Wear..."designs 8) Launch the Zooper Widget Pro App thenenable "Standbyupdates" 9) On your watch, launch Wearable WidgetsThat's it! >Some phones don't fit V5 - Color full-screen - tofix this, withinthe Zooper skin, decrease the "Scale" by 1 - 3(manually enter #'s"<--" isn't available) Reminders - App has noApp icon itself -If you can't get it working, EMail me & I'llbe happy to helpWARNINGS -Does NOT support the Sony Smartwatch 3Sony Smartwatch3-compatible version->http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWear-Square-DON'T change your phone's DPI- Wearable Widgets takes dimensionsfrom your phone, so modifyingthe DPI can negatively effectmirroring Widgets onto your phone===== ===== ===== ===== QUESTION- How can I get Notification Countsfor Google+, FaceBook, FaceBookMessenger, Hangouts & WhatsApp?Answer - Assuming your phone isrunning Android 4.3+, download"Zooper Wear NotificationsAddOn"->http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWearNotificationsApp Answersto those &more FAQ's: http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWearSSWSetupFAQ
Zooper Wear - Wearables TRIAL 9.2
Zooper Wear
*****THIS IS NOT A STANDALONE APP***** *****DO NOT INSTALLONANDROID N***** FEATURES > Notification icons forSMS/GMail/Calls& more! > Time/Date > WiFi/Mobile Dataindicators¹ >Weather/Temperature > Phone Battery % &Charging indicator¹> Upcoming Calendar Events ¹ = Change basedon if they're in-useREQUIREMENTS: Smartwatch with the appropriateCompanion App ZooperWidget Pro->http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWidgetPro Wearable Widgetsversion 4.2 orhigher (to mirror it onto yourwatch)->http://tinyurl.com/WearableWidgets "Wearable WidgetsClock forGear" from the Gear App Store (within the "Clocks"category) forthe Tiezen-based Gear™ devices Setup: (after syncingyour phone toyour watch) 1) Install Zooper Widget Pro 2) InstallWearableWidgets 3) Install Zooper Wear - Wearables TRIAL *REBOOTPHONE*& continue after both have reconnected STEPS 4-9 WILL BEWITHINWEARABLE WIDGETS 4) Launch Wearable Widgets & select"AndroidWear"™ 5) Tap the "+" icon in the lower right corner &selectZooper Widget Pro-> Zooper Widget 2X2 6) Tap "Settings"&enable "Crop widgets", "Invisible updates", "Always keepwidgetsrunning" & "Show notification on phone" 7) Stillwithin"Settings", tap "Wear watch face settings" & removethecheckmark from "Darken in ambient mode" & "Stop when notonscreen" 8) Return to Settings then tap "Round screensizing"->Sizing type-> enable "Fit widget to outside ofscreen" & tap"OK" also enable "Ignore screen cutouts" 9) Return& tap"resize or tap to start" & select any of the "ZooperWear..."designs 10) Launch the Zooper Widget Pro App & enable"Standbyupdates" 11) Long-press current Watch Face on your watch,thenscroll through & tap "Wearable Widgets" Choosing a WatchFace-Circular for circular Android Wear™ & Tiezen-based Gear™S2-Small rectangular for Sony Smartwatch™ 1 & 2 -Large squareforsquare Android Wear™ & Tiezen-based Gear™ -Long verticalforGear™ S -Square with a "Checkmark" for the Omate TrueSmartSetupfor other devices For Square-shaped Wear devices &Gear™1/2/Neo - Follow setuphere->http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWear-Square For Sony Smartwatch™1/2 -Follow setup here-> http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWearSonySWForGear™ S - Follow setup here->http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWearGearSFor Gear™ S2 - Follow setuphere->http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWearGearS2 For Omate TrueSmart> Followsetup here-> http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWearOmateReminder - Apphas no App icon WARNINGS -DON'T change your phone'sDPI - WearableWidgets takes dimensions from your phone, somodifying the DPI cannegatively effect mirroring Widgets onto yourwatch. ===== ========== ===== QUESTION - How can I get NotificationCounts forGoogle+, FaceBook, FaceBook Messenger, Hangouts &WhatsApp?Answer - Assuming your phone is running Android 4.3+,download"Zooper Wear NotificationsAddOn"->http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWearNotificationsApp FAQ's:-Circular->http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWearCirclesFAQnSetup -Squarewearable& Gear™-> http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWear-FAQnSetup-SonySmartwatch™ 1/2-> http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWearSSWSetupFAQ
Zooper Wear - Square Wearables 10.1
Zooper Wear
*****THIS IS NOT A STANDALONE APP***** *****DO NOT INSTALLONANDROID N***** FEATURES > Notification icons forSMS/GMail/Calls& more! > Time/Date > Wi-Fi/Mobile Dataindicators¹ >Weather/Temperature > Phone Batterypercentage/Chargingindicator¹ > Upcoming Calendar Events >Dark/Light themes ¹ =Change dynamically depending on whether or notthey're in-useREQUIREMENTS: Smartwatch with the CompanionApp->http://tinyurl.com/AndroidWearCompanionApp Zooper WidgetPro->http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWidgetPro Wearable Widgets version4.2 orhigher (to mirror it onto your Weardevice)->http://tinyurl.com/WearableWidgets "Wearable WidgetsClock forGear" from the Gear App Storewithin the "Clocks" category)for theTiezen-based Gear™ 1/2/Neo devices Setup: (after syncingyour phoneto the watch) 1) Install Zooper Widget Pro 2) InstallWearableWidgets 3) Install Zooper Wear - Circle Square Wearables*REBOOTPHONE* then continue after Watch & Phone havereconnected STEPS4-8 WILL BE WITHIN WEARABLE WIDGETS 4) LaunchWearable Widgets& select "Android Wear"™ 5) Tap the "+" icon inthe lower rightcorner & select Zooper Widget Pro-> ZooperWidget 2X2 6) Tap"Settings" & enable "Crop widgets", "Invisibleupdates","Always keep widgets running" & "Show notification onphone" 7)Still within "Settings", tap "Wear watch face settings"&remove the checkmark from "Darken in ambient mode" & "Stopwhennot on screen" 8) Return & tap "resize or tap to start"thenselect any of the "Zooper Wear..." designs 9) Launch theZooperWidget Pro App then enable "Standby updates" 10) Long-pressacurrent Watch Face on your watch, then scroll through theavailableWatch Faces & tap "Wearable Widgets" (might need toreboot orre-sync your watch before it'll appear) That's it! ForGalaxy Gear™1/2/Neo *Does NOT support the Gear™ S* 4-6) Same asabove &enable "Samsung Gear" 7) Skip 8&9) Same as above 10)On yourwatch, swipe up-> Settings-> Style-> Clocks->ClockType-> select "Wearable Widgets" 11) On your watch,swipeup-> Settings-> Display-> Wake-up screen->ClockReminders - App has no App icon itself - If you can't getitworking, EMail me & I'll be happy to help WARNINGS-DON'Tchange your phone's DPI - Wearable Widgets takes dimensionsfromyour phone, so modifying the DPI can negatively effectmirroringWidgets onto your wrist ===== ===== ===== ===== QUESTION -How canI get Notification Counts for Google+, FaceBook,FaceBookMessenger, Hangouts & WhatsApp? Answer - Assuming yourphone isrunning Android 4.3+, download "Zooper WearNotificationsAddOn"->http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWearNotificationsApp Answersto those &more FAQ's: http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWear-FAQnSetup
Zooper Wear - Omate ★ROOT★ 4.0
Zooper Wear
*****THIS IS NOT A STANDALONE APP***** FEATURES >Notificationicons for SMS/GMail/Calls & more! > Time/Date>Wi-Fi/Mobile Data indicators¹ > Weather/Temperature >PhoneBattery percentage/Charging indicator¹ > UpcomingCalendarEvents > Dark/Light themes ¹ = Change dynamicallydepending onwhether or not they're in-use REQUIREMENTS: >ROOT'ed OmateTrueSmart > Omate TrueSmart watch with the abilityto sideloadthe Play Store > ZooperPro->http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWidgetPro > 3rd-partyLauncher(example: Nova) Setup: 1) Install 3rd-party Launcher(recommended -"Nova Launcher") 2) Install Zooper Pro & Tasker3) Follow theLauncher & Zooper setup below 4) Install ZooperWear - OmateEdition 5) Create a 4X4 Zooper Widget on yourHomescreen 6) Withinthe Zooper Widget setup, select any of thetemplates 7) Stillwithin Zooper, change the scale according to the"preview" image ofthe Template selected 8) Follow the Taskersetup->http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWearOmate-TaskerSetup That's it!Return toyour Homescreen & Zooper Wear - Omate should now bepresent*Nova Settings*: Desktop > Desktop Grid-> 4X4 >WidthMargin-> None > Height Margin-> None >PersistentSearch Bar-> None > Scroll Indicator-> None Dock>Enable Dock-> Disabled > Show Divider-> DisabledLook& Feel > Show Notification Bar-> Disabled>Transparent Notification Bar-> Disabled *Zooper WidgetProSettings*: > Global Preferences-> StandbyUpdates->Enabled Reminders - App has no App icon itself - If youcan't getit working, EMail me & I'll be happy to help WARNINGS-Designed primarily for use with an Omate TrueSmart in"standalone"mode (with a SIM inside it), though can be usedwithout, as long asit has a Data connection - This Widget is madefor use on an OmateTrueSmart Watch & will not look right ifinstalled on a phone.===== ===== ===== ===== QUESTION - How can Iget NotificationCounts for Google+, FaceBook, FaceBook Messenger,Hangouts &WhatsApp? Answer - If you've ROOT'ed your Omate &it's runningAndroid 4.3+, download "Zooper Wear NotificationsAddOn"->http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWearNotificationsApp Answers tothose& more FAQ's: http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWear-Omate-FAQ
Zooper Wear - Omate Edition 4.0
Zooper Wear
*****THIS IS NOT A STANDALONE APP***** FEATURES >Notificationicons for SMS/GMail/Calls & more! > Time/Date>Wi-Fi/Mobile Data indicators¹ > Weather/Temperature >PhoneBattery percentage/Charging indicator¹ > UpcomingCalendarEvents > Dark/Light themes ¹ = Change dynamicallydepending onwhether or not they're in-use REQUIREMENTS: > OmateTrueSmartwatch with the ability to sideload the Play Store >ZooperPro-> http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWidgetPro > 3rd-partyLauncher(example: Nova) Setup: 1) Install 3rd-party Launcher(recommended -"Nova Launcher") 2) Install Zooper Pro & Tasker3) Follow theLauncher & Zooper setup below 4) Install ZooperWear - OmateEdition 5) Create a 4X4 Zooper Widget on yourHomescreen 6) Withinthe Zooper Widget setup, select any of thetemplates 7) Stillwithin Zooper, change the scale according to the"preview" image ofthe Template selected 8) Follow the Taskersetup->http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWearOmate-TaskerSetup That's it!Return toyour Homescreen & Zooper Wear - Omate should now bepresent*Nova Settings*: Desktop > Desktop Grid-> 4X4 >WidthMargin-> None > Height Margin-> None >PersistentSearch Bar-> None > Scroll Indicator-> None Dock>Enable Dock-> Disabled > Show Divider-> DisabledLook& Feel > Show Notification Bar-> Disabled>Transparent Notification Bar-> Disabled *Zooper WidgetProSettings*: > Global Preferences-> StandbyUpdates->Enabled Reminders - App has no App icon itself - If youcan't getit working, EMail me & I'll be happy to help WARNINGS-Designed primarily for use with an Omate TrueSmart in"standalone"mode (with a SIM inside it), though can be usedwithout, as long asit has a Data connection - This Widget is madefor use on an OmateTrueSmart Watch & will not look right ifinstalled on a phone.===== ===== ===== ===== QUESTION - How can Iget NotificationCounts for Google+, FaceBook, FaceBook Messenger,Hangouts &WhatsApp? Answer - If you've ROOT'ed your Omate &it's runningAndroid 4.3+, download "Zooper Wear NotificationsAddOn"->http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWearNotificationsApp Answers tothose& more FAQ's: http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWear-Omate-FAQ
Zooper Wear - Circle WearableA 4.2
Zooper Wear
*****THIS IS NOT A STANDALONE APP***** *****DO NOT INSTALLONANDROID N***** FEATURES > Notification icons forSMS/GMail/Calls& more! > Time/Date > Wi-Fi/Mobile Dataindicators¹ >Weather/Temperature > Phone Batterypercentage/Chargingindicator¹ > Upcoming Calendar Events >Dark/Light themes ¹ =Change dynamically depending on whether or notthey're in-useREQUIREMENTS: Smartwatch with the CompanionApp->http://tinyurl.com/AndroidWearCompanionApp Zooper WidgetPro->http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWidgetPro Wearable Widgets version4.2 orhigher (to mirror it onto yourwrist)->http://tinyurl.com/WearableWidgets Setup: (after syncingyour phoneto the watch) 1) Install Zooper Widget Pro 2) InstallWearableWidgets 3) Install Zooper Wear - Circle WearableA *REBOOTPHONE*then continue after Watch & Phone have reconnected STEPS4-8WILL BE WITHIN WEARABLE WIDGETS 4) Launch Wearable Widgets&select "Android Wear"™ 5) Tap the "+" icon in the lowerrightcorner & select Zooper Widget Pro-> Zooper Widget 2X26) Tap"Settings" & enable "Crop widgets", "Invisibleupdates","Always keep widgets running" & "Show notification onphone" 7)Still within "Settings", tap "Wear watch face settings"&remove the checkmark from "Darken in ambient mode" & "Stopwhennot on screen" 8) Return to Settings then tap "Roundscreensizing"-> Sizing type-> enable "Fit widget to outsideofscreen" & tap "OK" also enable "Ignore screen cutouts"9)Return & tap "resize or tap to start" then select any ofthe"Zooper Wear..." designs 10) Launch the Zooper Widget Pro Appthenenable "Standby updates" 11) Long-press a current Watch Faceonyour watch, then scroll through the available Watch Faces &tap"Wearable Widgets" (might need to reboot or re-sync yourwatchbefore it'll appear) That's it! Reminders - App has no Appiconitself - If you can't get it working, EMail me & I'll behappyto help WARNINGS -DON'T change your phone's DPI - WearableWidgetstakes dimensions from your phone, so modifying the DPIcannegatively effect mirroring Widgets onto your smartwatch========== ===== ===== QUESTION - How can I get Notification CountsforGoogle+, FaceBook, FaceBook Messenger, Hangouts &WhatsApp?Answer - Assuming your phone is running Android 4.3+,download"Zooper Wear NotificationsAddOn"->http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWearNotificationsApp Answers tothose& more FAQ's:http://tinyurl.com/ZooperWearCirclesFAQnSetup